Men in the Bible: Adam – A Man of Understanding
Another attribute of Adam was understanding. Despite being a lonely figure with no forbear for him to study or a mate for him to hobnob, he was nonetheless enamored with mental acumen that helped him to make a sense of his world.
Men in the Bible: Adam – A Man of Intelligence
Another admirable trait about Adam was intelligence. He was an intelligent man. From our reference passage, God brought all the creatures He had made to Adam to see what he would call them, and Adam did not disappoint.
Men in the Bible: Adam – A Man of Himself
In starting our journey of the study of humans, there is no better candidate to start with than the first human to whom we are first acquainted and whose name we are first introduced to in record history, the man Adam.

Understanding God: He is A Nurturer
In continuation of our exploration of the nature and character of God, our meditation today shall be on His attributes as a Gardener or Nurturer. In other words, we will be exploring His nurturing attributes.

Understanding God: God of Sustenance
Today, as we continue our exploration of the personality and nature of God, another of His attributes that we shall dwell on today is sustenance. He is a God of sustenance. He sustains everything and everyone.

Understanding God: God of Delegation
We are back to exploring the personality and attributes of God, and His trait which we will be considering today is delegation. God delegates and does not take everything on Himself.

How God Creates: Creating by Making
Today, we will be considering the principle of creation by making, or doing the gritty work to build, construct, form or make what needs to be created.

How God Creates: Creating by Extraction
We are still learning about how God creates. The third creation principle He used which we shall focus on today is extraction. God created some of His creations by extracting a new creature from an existing one

How God Creates: Creating by Separation
In continuation of our meditation on some of the principles that God applies in His creation, today we will dwell on the principle of separation. God creates things by separating one thing from another to form a brand-new creature.