Understanding God: He is A Nurturer

Understanding God: He is A Nurturer

In continuation of our exploration of the nature and character of God, our meditation today shall be on His attributes as a Gardener or Nurturer. In other words, we will be exploring His nurturing attributes.

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Understanding God: God of Sustenance

Understanding God: God of Sustenance

Today, as we continue our exploration of the personality and nature of God, another of His attributes that we shall dwell on today is sustenance. He is a God of sustenance. He sustains everything and everyone.

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How God Creates: Creating by Separation

How God Creates: Creating by Separation

In continuation of our meditation on some of the principles that God applies in His creation, today we will dwell on the principle of separation. God creates things by separating one thing from another to form a brand-new creature.

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